You can now connect to IRC via on ports 80, 8080 et 443 (ssl).

That should allow you to bypass most company and wifi network protections, so you can chat from anywhere !

Today, the European IRC Network Federation EuropNet is happy to welcome a new member !

Andromede joins Free, Chat-fr, Fantasya, Librenet, Global-irc and Mikochat in our project. The occation for our users to have some good time with more people, and for us to join forces to offer all our users a better service.

Welcome Andromede !

We've upgraded our servers last night. This maintenance has occasioned a bit of noise for our users, sorry for that.

For the most technically interrested users, we've upgraded ou Unreal servers to version 3.2.10 (changelog) and our Anope services to version 1.8.8 (changelog).

Suite à un mauvais spamfilter posé dans la matinée, certains utilisateurs se sont trouvés exclu du T'Chat. Le problème a été corrigé et les utilsateurs débannis. Nous vous prions de nous excuser et meilleurs vœux en cette fin d'année :)