EuropNet is a federation of European IRC networks, i.e. the alliance of several independent real-time chat networks, with this specificity: each network that joins EuropNet carries on its own existence while keeping its community alive, as well as contributing to EuropNet. 

This means that each member of the network links its servers with EuropNet, pools its service database (NickServ, ChanServ, etc.) and applies the same basic set of rules. For the rest, each network keeps its name, website, channels and staff, and keeps on making them live. 


Europnet was created around several objectives: 

  • Pooling our networks’ technical and human resources, in order to provide users with the best possible service. Instead of separately making efforts towards offering the same basic service, such as stable servers, a website and a few extra tools, we feel that we can go further as a group, creating new offers while improving the existing ones.
  • Setting up a European communication space geared towards multiculturalism, providing a meeting place for internet users all over Europe, and getting people from other countries to know more about us.
  • Developing a long-lasting, independent and free communication space.

Our main goal is to improve the organisation and services, while keeping a friendly and relaxed atmosphere on the network.