User rules

For EuropNet to remain a pleasant place for everyone, the users must respect some common life rules. 
We do not tolerate: 

  • offend, rude, slandering fascist or racist speaking
  • giving private details on public channels (address, phone number, etc.)
  • offensing nicknames, channel names or topics
  • all form of harassing
  • ban, akill, gline, sgline, sqline, kline, zline, silence, ignore evasions
  • connection to the network via a public proxy : socks, proxy http, public bouncer, or any non identified relay
  • clones (several connections from the same person) above 3 connections per person
  • all forms of IRCop or user identity theaft
  • illegal appropriation of a channel (takeover)
  • abusive use of services (registered channel/nickname appropriation)
  • flood (sending massive amounts of information saturating the targeted persons connection), nuking (remote crashing of a target), bug exploiting and hacking, whether they are directed against the servers, the users, the IRCops or the services.
  • SPAM (non requested publicity)
  • publicity for other networks
  • warez and exchange of data protected by copyright of which you dont own the rights (programs, mp3, divx, etc.)
  • pornographic or erotic channels if they are not hidden (mode +s)
  • everything that is illegal according to the laws of the countries hosting EuropNet servers
  • these global rules can be completed by local rules on each server (see /rules)
  • robots (bots) are tolerated on all servers except specific notice in local rules. But they must respect the same rules as all users.


The vast majority of the EuropNet network refuses VPNs following numerous abuses. The only way to get past this restriction is to use the SASL protocol. To use a VPN, you must first connect to the EuropNet webchat with your home IP and register your nickname. Once your account is created, you can use this account with a VPN. (EuropNet Webchat natively uses SASL)


The IRCops (IRC operators) are amongst other things in charge of:

  • regulating the use of the network according to the rules described in this document
  • helping users to use the chat
  • insuring correct technical functionning of the network

They are your main contacts for any problem related to the network or if you need help. At any moment, you can joigned #fr-opers to find an available IRCop. 
Nevertheless, they are not superior to other users and must:

  • respect user rules
  • have an exemplar attitude
  • exclusively use their privileges in the interrest of the network, and not for any personnal reasons
  • mention explicitly the reason for a kill, akill, gline, sgline, sqline, zline in the exclusion message

In case of a conflict with an IRCop or if you have been expulsed illegimately, we invite you to contact the EuropNet team on #fr-opers 

Important notes

EuropNet provides it's IRC (Internet Relay Chat) servers as a public use communication medium. But access to the network remains a privilege and not a right. 
Access to the servers and to all of the related services are free, maintaned by voluntary people, and kindly hosted by diverse organisms and associations. 
As a consequence, EuropNet reserves itself the right to ban temporairely or definitively a complete organism, range of IP addresses or domain if demanding too much of the network ressources (human or technical) by not respecting the rules in this document. 

Respect other users. Think about the fact that there are many very different people from different horizons, and they dont necessairely have the same way of seing things or thinking as you do. 

Also remember that you come on the chat to meet people and take pleasure ! An /ignore is always better than waisting precious time in getting angry ! this media lets you choose who you want to talk to, make the best of it ;-) 

That good mood and joy (--*©) reign on the network ! 

Have a nice stay and a nice chat on EuropNet :-)